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Hours - By Appointment Only  (724)-877-5102


*Aromatherapy Services

*Essential Oil Education

*Aromatherapy & Kitchen Garden Coaching

A Few Words About LynMarie Aromatics & Garden Design

LynMarie Aromatics & Garden Design, located in Hermitage, PA, is owned and operated by 

Lynda Marie Rosian, NAHA Certified Aromatherapist and Gardenary Certified Kitchen Garden Consultant 


LynMarie Aromatics

LynMarie Aromatics is dedicated to educating individuals on the safe use and handling of essentials oils, empowering individuals with the knowledge to choose the essential oils that will benefit them most physically and/or emotionally, and teaching them how to integrate essential oils into their daily routines. 

What LynMarie Aromatics Offers

Aromatherapy, also referred to as Essential Oil Therapy, is the skilled, controlled use of essential oils to maintain and promote physical, psychological and spiritual well being.  

Body Care Creations

Essential Blends by LynMarie is a line of body care products & perfumes made from natural and certified organic ingredients. Safe essential oil practices are always upheld to ensure quality and efficacy.  Custom orders can be requested.

Learn aromatherapy from a Certified Aromatherapist.  I offer hourly classes or 1 and 2 day workshops. I am also available for public speaking events.  


LynMarie Garden Design

I Bring The Garden To You!

LynMarie Garden Design is dedicated to transforming individuals into backyard aromatherapy and kitchen gardeners.  It all begins with a consultation!  You will share your garden aspirations, show me your space, and then approve your garden design.     It's that simple, and all garden designs are TURNKEY!   You won't be left alone because I will guide you through the whole process to ensure your success in the garden.  You have the opportunity to learn how to successfully grow both annual and perennial herbs, vegetables, and fruits.  I will also teach you about trap plants and pollinating flowers that can benefit your garden. 

Aromatherapy and gardening go hand in hand! Herbs and flowers grown in your garden can be harvested for aromatic and therapeutic purposes and home-made skin care products. Make your own aroma sprays, perfumes, infused body oils, bath salts, body butters, lip balms, face masks, and eye serums with ingredients you grew yourself. You'll feel much better knowing where your ingredients came from along with an enormous sense of pride at your accomplishments!


"Just dig a hole and put a plant in it."

"It comes easy to me, so I don't know what to tell you."

If you're feeling overwhelmed about starting an aromatherapy or kitchen garden, I can help you with your design, installation and maintenance. My goal is to give you confidence, to remove the confusion and overwhelm, and create a TURNKEY garden that reflects your style and your goals.  So, take the first step and schedule your consult today. LET'S GARDEN TOGETHER!

What LynMarie Garden Design Offers

Garden Walks

You're invited to walk  around my garden with me to get design ideas and growing tips!  See what I have done so far in my own backyard. I want you to see that my gardens are not perfect, that I am in different stages of my own garden design, and that you don't have to be a "Master Gardener" to achieve success in the garden. 

Garden Design

LynMarie Garden Design is dedicated to transforming individuals into backyard aromatherapy and kitchen gardeners.  If you have some space and sun, you can have a garden!  I recommend raised bed garden boxes because they provide a longer growing season, better drainage, and less maintenance for busy people.

Garden Coaching

LynMarie  Garden Design is committed to making sure you are a successful kitchen gardener.  With every install, I provide you with the tools you need to become a better gardener.  I show you how to get started, what you can plant each season, and how to care for the garden.  If you already have a kitchen garden in place but just need some advice or help,  I offer garden coaching  and garden maintenance for a small fee. 

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